
Black pine forests on Mount Olympus
Austrian pine forests at Mt Olympus
Building cooperation, developing skills and sharing knowledge for Natura 2000 forests in Greece
Project ForestLife
Beech forest in Rodopi
Beech forests in Greek Rhodope
Building cooperation, developing skills and sharing knowledge for Natura 2000 forests in Greece
Project ForestLife
Spruce forest in Rodopi
Spruce forests in Greek Rhodope
Building cooperation, developing skills and sharing knowledge for Natura 2000 forests in Greece
Project ForestLife
Beech forest in Rodopi
Beech forests in Greek Rhodope
Building cooperation, developing skills and sharing knowledge for Natura 2000 forests in Greece
Project ForestLife
Beech forest in Rodopi
Beech forests in Greek Rhodope
Building cooperation, developing skills and sharing knowledge for Natura 2000 forests in Greece
Project ForestLife
Mixed forests in Rodopi
Mixed forests in Greek Rhodope
Building cooperation, developing skills and sharing knowledge for Natura 2000 forests in Greece
Project ForestLife
Stream in beech forest in Rodopi
Stream in beech forest in Greek Rhodope
Building cooperation, developing skills and sharing knowledge for Natura 2000 forests in Greece
Project ForestLife
Riparian forest with species of willow in Rodopi
Riparian forest with willow species in Greek Rhodope
Building cooperation, developing skills and sharing knowledge for Natura 2000 forests in Greece
Project ForestLife
Riparian forest with species of willow in Rodopi
Stone pine forest in Strofilia
Building cooperation, developing skills and sharing knowledge for Natura 2000 forests in Greece
Project ForestLife
Riparian forest with species of willow in Rodopi
Greek fir and Austrian pine forests at Mt Taygetos
Building cooperation, developing skills and sharing knowledge for Natura 2000 forests in Greece
Project ForestLife
Riparian forest with species of willow in Rodopi
Riparian forests along Nestos river
Building cooperation, developing skills and sharing knowledge for Natura 2000 forests in Greece
Project ForestLife
Riparian forest with species of willow in Rodopi
Mixed forests in Aspropotamos
Building cooperation, developing skills and sharing knowledge for Natura 2000 forests in Greece
Project ForestLife


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Welcome to the website of ForestLife project

The project LIFE ForestLife is a joint effort between the Directorate General of Forests and Forest Environment of the Greek Ministry of Environment and Energy and The Goulandris Natural History Museum – Greek Biotope Wetland Centre (ΕΚΒΥ). It aims to enhance dissemination and exchange of knowledge, information and best practices and to foster cooperation between all parties involved in the management of forest ecosystems in Natura 2000 sites in Greece.

To achieve its objectives, the project will develop an online Collaboration Platform for Forests (CPF) of the Natura 2000 sites of Greece, it will publish guidelines and will train the personnel of the Greek Forest Service and other organisations that work on forest conservation and management. It will also develop an application for smart mobile devices and will deploy several communication and public awareness actions.



Needs assessment and platform design

The assessment of needs aims to identify the current and...
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Σηματοδότηση μονοπατιών στον Ταϋγετο 

Development and administration of the Collaboration Platform for Forests (CPF)

The action regards to the development, maintenance, administration and continuous...
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Καστανιά - Τύπος οικοτόπου 9260 

Development of tools for forest managers related to tourism and reduction of human disturbance

The action regards to the developent of an interactive application...
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Μεταφορά ξυλείας στη Ροδόπη 

Knowledge sharing through training

The action regards to the implementation of a training program...
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News - Procurements

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LIFE and Greek forests: results and challenges ahead

Με επίκεντρο τις εθνικές και ευρωπαϊκές προτεραιότητες της δασικής πολιτικής όπως διαμορφώνονται στο πλαίσιο της Ευρωπαϊκής Πράσινης Συμφωνίας και της Ευρωπαϊκής Στρατηγικής για τη Βιοποικιλότητα...
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Forest News

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LIFE and Greek forests: results and challenges ahead

Με επίκεντρο τις εθνικές και ευρωπαϊκές προτεραιότητες της δασικής πολιτικής όπως διαμορφώνονται στο πλαίσιο της Ευρωπαϊκής Πράσινης Συμφωνίας και της Ευρωπαϊκής Στρατηγικής για τη Βιοποικιλότητα...
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LIFE ForestLife project is carried out with the cooperation of the:

  • Greek Biotope/Wetland Centre (ΕΚΒΥ)
  • the Directorate General for the Development and Protection of Forests
  • the Rural Environment (DGDPFRE) of the Greek Ministry of the Environment and Energy

ForestLife project comes as a response to the lag of the Greek forest community to disseminate, assess. And adopt new knowledge and experience on forest management issues and threats to the Greek forests related to the conservation of forest habitat types.

This lag was one of the main findings during the New Biogeographical Process (Natura 2000 Seminars Process).

Furthermore, during this process the same lags were identified for forest governance, funding, training etc.

The project will develop tools for the dissemination of:

  • knowledge
  • cooperation
  • interaction between the members of the Greek Forest community

It will also increase the knowledge of the members of the forest community on critical issues for the conservation of the forest habitat types and will make more familiar the use of modern tools used for these purposes.

At the same time, the project will contribute to the improvement of visitor management in Greek forests. This will be achieved through the development of means allowing forest managers to properly and on time provide the visitors with useful information. Such as where and what they can see and do, but also what they should avoid for the protection of nature and their own safety.

Forest Life - LIFE ForestLife project

Welcome to the website of ForestLife project

LIFE ForestLife project is carried out with the cooperation of the Greek Biotope/Wetland Centre (ΕΚΒΥ) and the Directorate General for the Development and Protection of Forests and the Rural Environment (DGDPFRE) of the Greek Ministry of the Environment and Energy. ForestLife project comes as a response to the lag of the Greek forest community to disseminate, assess and adopt new knowledge and experience on forest management issues and threats to the Greek forests related to the conservation of forest habitat types.

This lag was one of the main findings during the New Biogeographical Process (Natura 2000 Seminars Process). Furthermore, during this process the same lags were identified for forest governance, funding, training etc.

The project will develop tools for the dissemination of knowledge, cooperation and interaction between the members of the Greek Forest community. It will also increase the knowledge of the members of the forest community on critical issues for the conservation of the forest habitat types and will make more familiar the use of modern tools used for these purposes.

At the same time, the project will contribute to the improvement of visitor management in Greek forests. This will be achieved through the development of means allowing forest managers to properly and on time provide the visitors with useful information, such as where and what they can see and do, but also what they should avoid for the protection of nature and their own safety.