
Conference on Sustainable Tourism

CEETO Conference-Banner

CEETO (Central Europe Eco-Tourism), an Interreg Central Europe project, is organising its final (online) conference on Sustainable Tourism  at May 14th 2020. The conference’s programme will cover different examples of visitor monitoring and management measures presented by CEETO project partners, along with an in-depth analysis of CEETO project achievements. These achievments include, inter allia, a Handbook on Successful and Innovative Sustainable Tourism Practices in Europe;     Guidelines for developing a Sustainable Tourism in Protected Areas and a Manual of Sustainable Tourism Governance for Protected Areas managers.

CEETO project main objective is to protect and enhance the natural heritage of Protected Areas (PAs) and Natura 2000 Network, by promoting an innovative sustainable tourism planning model, which reduces usage conflicts, sustains social and territorial cohesion, improves the quality of life of local communities and encourages the tourism industry to concretely contribute to nature conservation.

More information about the conference programme and registration.