The project’s general objective is to support the exchange of best practice and the development of skills of forest managers and other personnel working in forests within Natura 2000 sites in Greece.
The project specifically aims:
- To facilitate dissemination of knowledge, best practice and strengthen cooperation between the forest authorities and other stakeholders in forests within Natura 2000 sites, by developing and operating an online “Collaboration Platform for Forests” (CPF).
- To foster the development of skills of forest related target groups through training on the fields of forest management for the conservation of biodiversity, adaptation of forest management to climate change, innovative funding etc.
- To increase the ability of forest users to access information and be motivated to reduce the disturbance they cause, by providing tools such as an app for smartphones and tablets.
- To demonstrate that in Greek forests, and especially those within Natura 2000 sites, amenity and conservation can be compatible, through integrated media and communication work.
The target audiences of the project are:
- Employees of the Greek Forest Service.
- Employees of other public services and bodies with authorities related to forests
- Employees of the management bodies of Natura 2000 sites with forest habitats
- Non-state forest managers.
- Professionals collecting non-wood forest products.
- Members of forest cooperatives assigned logging operations in forests.
- Employees of tourist enterprises involved in outdoor activities in forests.
All these and the following groups are the stakeholders, which the project will consult during the implementation of its various actions.
- Scientists working on relevant fields
- Forest consultants
- Non-governmental organisations working on relevant fields
Visitors and other users of forests, such as hunters.