The detection of the forest community’s needs is in progress
The project is focusing on the forest community’s needs, the detection of which, is a necessary condition for the achievement of the project’s goals. In the context of this action, the forest community members’ needs on matters relating to the conservation and management of Natura 2000 forests are recorded through targeted research.
Interview of Dr. Georgios Mallinis, Assistant Professor of Remote Sensing, D.U.Th. and President of the Management Body of N. Pindos National Park
The means used are quantitative research through a questionnaire, which is disseminated electronically and qualitative research through a series of selected interviews and focus groups. The forest community’s response to the questionnaire and the participation to the interviews has been deemed more than satisfactory. The quality of the answers is high, ensuring the reliability of the data and the planning of the next actions of the project.
Interview with Mr. Kostas Katsoudas, Secretary of the Pan-hellenic Federation of Forest Rangers
The analysis of the questionnaires and the interviews will provide the design and the content of the Collaborative Platform for Forests, the application ForestLife and the series of the training seminars that are going to be organized in the context of the project.