EKBY is presenting the forests of Greece in KinderDocs documentaries through project ForestLife
The screenings of the KinderDocs documentary festival for children and young people start at Athens and Thessaloniki, in the Benaki Museum and the Macedonian Museum of Contemporary Art respectively! On the occasion of the award winner Once Upon a Tree (Netherlands), which is being screened in the Macedonian Museum of Contemporary Art on 3 and 4 February, ΕΚΒΥ is participating in the conversation that will follow, presenting Greece’ s unique forest wealth and the initiatives of promoting it through the project ForestLife, a project on the collaboration for forests within the Natura 2000 network.
Organanized by Kouzi Productions in collaboration with the Benaki Museum and the Macedonian Museum of Contemporary Art. With the support of idfa, the biggest documentary festival in the world, in Amsterdam and doxs!, the oldest and most important German documentary festival for children and young people.
More information and the full programme of KinderDocs festival in www.kinderdocs.com.