
World Water Day and forests

22nd March has been established by the United Nations as World Water Day. This event concides with the following day from the International Day of Forests and underlines the importance of forests in the creation and conservation of water resources. Forests play a leading role in the water cycle, improving the quality and increasing the quantity of water resources. The forests’ ability to retain large quantities of water and later release them in the hydrological cycle, decreases the impact of catastrophic flood events. These valuable ecosystem services are especially beneficial in areas with limited precipitation and high steepness such as Greece.

Some freely available publications on the relationship between forests and water:

Forests and water, by Food & Agriculture Organization

Water for forests and people in the Mediterranean region, by the European Forest Institute

Water retention potential of Europe’s forests, by the European Environmental Agency.


Fir forests in Aspropotamos riverEKBY Photo Archive / L. Logothetis

Fir forests in Aspropotamos river