
National Observatory of Forests: completion of 1st phase.

National Observatory of Forests

National Observatory of Forests

The first phase of the National Observatory of Forests (NOF) was finalized at the end of 2015. The ambition of NOF is to establish an integrated web-based, open access forest data management system, which will hold the information contained in forest management plans. In this way, the central Forest Service will be able to have access to significant data for Greek forests, thus facilitating the summing of on-time reliable statistics, the fulfillment of its national obligations, and the improvement of the national forest policy-making process. Thus, the benefits from one of the advantages of Greek forestry, which is the integration of sustainable management of forest ecosystems within the forest management plans will be highlighted.

NOF will contribute to the modernization of the Forest Service’ s operations by enhancing fast and transparent access to information.

The 1st phase of NOF was implemented by the Laboratory of Forest Management & Remote Sensing of the Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, with funding from the Greek Green Fund. More information can be found at